Herbs, We understand it as a way to utilize various types of certain plants that contain natural chemicals to obtain healing from an illness. The parts of plants that can be utilized; leaves, stems, bark, roots, fruits and seeds.
Any plant that can be used as a herb, it contains a natural substance that is different, so each has a characteristic herbs can cure just one or several diseases.
It should be understood, that: utilizing herbal treatment for the healing process requires a relatively long time, this is because the use of therapeutic herbs. Treatment with herbs will gain a gradual recovery.
Agus Herbs Blog is non-profit blog and not selling herbal products, be informative and share information about herbs with you. We realize, that every country will have different kinds of herbs, because it is influenced by geography and season.
The final goal of this blog is as a medium of communication with you, sharing knowledge and information on herbs.
Agus Herbs Blog